豪華なお祝い 五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|滋賀県の禮叶くん

A luxurious celebration: Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Reika-kun, Shiga Prefecture

If I have a male grandchild,
I wanted to buy Hinasei's helmet ornament for my child's first Doll Festival.

The flag was purchased at a local doll store,
I couldn't find any helmet ornaments like the one Hinasei-san was wearing.

My son and his wife, who live in Shiga, also really liked it.

The granddaughter in the photo with her is her first grandchild, and we even ordered a brochure for her, but unfortunately we were unable to purchase one.

I am grateful for this opportunity to form this relationship.
It was a wonderful celebration, thank you.

I felt that this was a trustworthy store because of the attention to detail shown in the delivery date, careful packaging, and email notifications.

I am grateful to have come across Hinasei, a company that does such good work, and to have had the opportunity to work with them.

I hope you continue to do a great job and make beautiful May dolls for a long time to come.


Comments of gratitude from Takeaki Aoki, Managing Director of May Dolls Hinasei

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work with us this time.
There are many May doll shops all over Japan,
I think it's wonderful that I was able to have such a connection.

Also, thank you for posting the photos.
Looking at this photo, it seems like it was a very elaborate celebration.

The photos posted were also very well-thought-out, which also surprised me.
I feel very happy that Hinasei was able to be involved in this May doll celebration.

And now that you have two grandchildren, things are gradually becoming more lively.
For grandparents, their grandchildren are becoming more and more adorable.

From far away Fujieda, we wish your grandchild from Shiga all the best in his growth.


I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

It seems that you had a grand celebration of the first festival, surrounding the May dolls.
It is clear to see that everyone is extremely happy about Reika-kun's birth. It's wonderful.

I'm sure Reika will grow up feeling the love of his family.

I hope you and your siblings are happy and healthy.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to receive May dolls from Shiga Prefecture.

This is a website for posting photos, images and comments about the Boy's Day celebration with May dolls.
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.
Hinasei is also very happy to have been able to help with the First Doll Festival celebration.

For May dolls, Hina dolls, and hanging dolls...

Hinasei May Dolls Managing Director Takeaki Aoki All staff of the Internet Business Division

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